This facsimile reprint includes two titles, Short Hints on Social Etiquette, 62 pages, by "Aunt Matilda", and The Ladies' Handbook and Household Assistant, 66 pages, by the Ladies of the St. James Methodist Episcopal Church of Manchester, NH. Short Hints, published by I.L. Cragin & Co., was given as a premium to purchasers of Cragin's "Dobbins' Electric Soap". Topics covered include calling card etiquette, how to write invitations, dinner etiquette with a few sample menus for formal dinners, plus two additional sections on general etiquette. The Ladies' Handbook includes a small section addressing etiquette at common events (meals, church, church fair, funeral, wedding) plus a section of approximately 150 recipes. Of particular interest are the advertisements reproduced along with each facsimile. Hardcover.