By Elizabeth Raffald. Unabridged reprint of the rare first edition. Reset type. Extensive introduction by Roy Shipperbottom, who spent twenty years researching Mrs. Raffald’s life. Mrs. Raffald was, after Hannah Glasse, the most celebrated English cookbook author of the 18th century. A successful entrepreneur who operated a confectioner’s shop, a catering business, and a cooking school for young ladies, she had been housekeeper for 15 years at Arley Hall, Cheshire. She proudly advertised the originality of her recipes; this certainly contributed to the popularity of her book, which remained in print well into the 19th century and went through 13 genuine and at least 23 spurious editions. Includes recipes appropriate for simple family meals as well as those for grand dinners. Mrs. Raffald’s elaborate fantasy desserts (her specialty) are particularly noteworthy. 213 pages. Hardcover. Import.